Jul. 5, 2023

Has Albania given Iran data seized from exiled dissidents?


The story: Iran has hinted that Albania may have delivered hard drives recently seized from the exiled opposition Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK). This follows the Iranian intelligence ministry’s rare expression of gratitude to Albanian police for raiding the MEK camp near the city of Durres. Meanwhile, Albanian Premier Edi Rama has declared that the MEK cannot remain in his country if it intends to fight the Islamic Republic—raising questions about his motives.

The coverage: Sepehr Khalaji, head of the Iranian government's Public Relations Council, claimed in a cryptic tweet on July 3 that "some of the hard drives and PC towers have arrived."

  • Without explicitly mentioning the MEK or Albania, Khalaji said the Iranian government is "currently retrieving the data." He added that the "results so far are encouraging."

  • Official media have taken Khalaji's tweet to mean that Iran is in possession of computer hardware seized by the...

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