Aug. 8, 2023

Inside story: UK divided amid renewed debate on IRGC blacklisting


The story: Iran is lashing out at Britain following media reports about growing concerns at the UK Home Office over the “threat” posed by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). The Rishi Sunak administration is said to be divided over whether to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organization. Tehran has for months warned London against proscribing the national military force and accused the UK of "supporting terrorism."

The coverage: A UK-based outlet claimed on Aug. 3 that at least eight IRGC commanders have since 2020 addressed London-based student organizations to "pipe extremist antisemitic propaganda."

  • The report alleged that the speakers put out "calls for violence into British universities."

Three days later, on Aug. 6, British media reported that the Home Office considers the IRGC the "threat" that...

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