Dec. 19, 2023

Deadly Sunni militancy in southeastern Iran puts spotlight on Pakistan


The story: Sunni Baluchi militant group Jaish Ul-Adl has attacked a police station in southeastern Iran, killing at least 11 officers. This is the group’s second deadly assault on a police outpost in the area this year. In the wake of the bloodshed, Iranian Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi has criticized Pakistan’s border security measures, alleging that militants crossed the frontier into Iran to carry out the attack. Vahidi has also charged that Israel backs Jaish Ul-Adl.

Incidentally, the day after the attack, Iran announced the execution of an unnamed individual convicted of spying for Israel.

The coverage: Iranian state media reported that 11 officers were killed and seven wounded when Jaish Ul-Adl members attacked a police station in Rask, Sistan-Baluchestan Province in the...

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