Apr. 25, 2023

Iran debates referendum amid controversy over rare dissent before Khamenei


The story: Amid ongoing political and social tensions, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has rejected calls by pro-reform figures and critics for a referendum to forge a way forward. Instead, he has called for unity within Iran’s political establishment and among the public. This comes amid controversy over footage of a rare display of dissent expressed directly before Khamenei by an apparent student.

The coverage: In an Apr. 18 address to a group of students, Khamenei dismissed recent calls by critics and pro-reform figures for a referendum as a means of resolving the country's issues.

  • Members of the political establishment calling for a plebiscite notably include moderate former president Hassan Rouhani (2013-21).
  • Khamenei's ruling out of a referendum was followed by the support of Iranian state media, which accused dissidents and...

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