Apr. 18, 2023

Iran’s leader calls for military 'readiness' amid rising tension with Israel


The story: Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has called on Iran’s armed forces to "increase military preparedness" as the Islamic Republic continues to unveil new advances in weapons technology. Coming amid a rise in tensions with Israel and the US, Khamenei's remarks hint at Iran's short and long-term military goals. Meanwhile, several members of the Iranian military have been sentenced to prison for their involvement in the downing of a Ukrainian airliner in 2020.

The coverage: Khamenei in an Apr. 16 address told top commanders to "never grow complacent with any measure of progress" and to continue military advancements.

  • The supreme leader asserted that while it is important to consider the "enemy’s five or 10-year plans," the armed forces should "concentrate on and monitor the medium- and long-term plans of the enemy." He also called for "preparedness" on different fronts.

  • Khamenei, who has final say on all state matters, also charged that targeting Iran was the endgame in the...

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