Jul. 10, 2023

Will JCPOA breach put Europe within range of Iran’s missiles?


The story: Iran has warned Europe against retaining sanctions that are set to expire under the 2015 nuclear deal. The alert follows reports that European governments intend to renege on promised sanctions relief in October, citing Iran's supply of drones and possible future missile deliveries to Russia.

If the sanctions are retained, conservative media in Iran have warned that it will likely result in a ramping up of the Iranian nuclear program. On the other hand, the Islamic Republic may respond by abandoning the self-imposed limit on the range of its missiles.

The coverage: Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani on July 3 warned European powers that Iran will respond to any breach of the nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

  • Kanani said Iran will deliver a "balanced and proportional" response if Europe refuses to lift sanctions that are set to expire under the JCPOA.

The 2015 nuclear deal and UN Security Council Resolution 2231 stipulate that...

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