Jan. 5, 2021

Saudi Arabia re-opens airspace, border with Qatar ahead of GCC summit


The story: Kuwait’s Foreign Minister, Ahmad Nasser Al Mohammed Al Sabah, announced Saudi Arabia’s decision to lift the air, sea and land blockade on Qatar starting from the evening of January 4, following successful mediation. This comes shortly before the official confirmation that the Qatari Emir will attend the 41st Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) summit scheduled today in the Saudi province of Al Ula, which is expected to end a more than three-year-old rift between the two Gulf countries with a written agreement. 

The coverage: The website of the Saudi-funded Dubai-based Al Arabiya celebrated the announcement by quoting Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, as saying he believes that the summit will be instrumental in achieving “solidarity when facing the challenges witnessed by our region”...

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