Jan. 26, 2023

Kuwait’s Emir pardons dozens of dissidents to end political deadlock


The story: Kuwait’s Emir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah has issued an amnesty decree covering dozens of political dissidents. The move follows previous pardons ordered by the Emir over the past two years amid a national dialogue aimed at ending the political deadlock in the country. However, only days after the amnesty, Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah submitted his government’s resignation. 

The coverage: Al-Kuwait Al-Youm—the official gazette of Kuwait’s information ministry—on Jan. 18 published Emiri decree 8 of 2023. 

  • The decree listed the names of 34 pardoned Kuwaiti citizens, three of whom are members of the ruling Sabah family.

  • However, Qatar-linked Al-Araby Al-Jadeed relayed that pro-government Kuwaiti outlet Al-Rai originally reported that 37 people had received an amnesty for “crimes committed from Nov. 16, 2011 through Dec. 31, 2021.”

  • The amnesty covers alleged crimes such as “committing hostile acts against a foreign country, broadcasting disinformation, challenging the rule of the Emir, insulting...

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