Jan. 20, 2023

Naturalization in sight for children of Saudi mothers, foreign fathers


The story: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud (MbS) has ordered the amendment of the Kingdom’s citizenship law to permit the naturalization of children born to local women and foreign fathers—under certain criteria. The move is rare in the region, where most Gulf Arab states only grant citizenship to the children of male citizens. 

The coverage: The pro-government, Jeddah-based Okaz Daily first published the details of the royal decree announcing the amendments on Jan. 11. 

  • The decree amends article eight of the Saudi citizenship law, giving the prime minister power to grant citizenship to a person “with a foreign father and a Saudi mother, if the individual meets the required conditions.” Of note, MbS serves as prime minister.

  • Before the amendment, decisions on whether to naturalize children of foreign fathers and Saudi mothers were left to the interior minister.

  • According to article nine of the citizenship law, an individual can apply for naturalization at the age of 18, provided that they have “fluency in Arabic, acquired residency for a period of at least 10 consecutive years, demonstrate good conduct and...

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