May. 23, 2023

Parliament brawl in Iraqi Kurdistan raises questions about détente


The story: Ministers belonging to the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) are again participating in Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) cabinet meetings, having ended a six-month boycott. However, a physical fight between PUK MPs and lawmakers from the rival Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) on the floor of the regional parliament undermines fleeting hopes for unity. It also casts doubt on whether Iraqi Kurdistan will be able to hold elections as scheduled this autumn after missing them last year.

The coverage: The PUK’s return to the Kurdistan regional cabinet on May 14 came after a surprise meeting on May 8 between KRG Prime Minister Masrour Barzani of the KDP and KRG Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani of the PUK.

  • Following the rare session, Barzani’s office released a statement that he and Talabani had “agreed to resolve all problems through dialogue and cooperation.”

  • Of note, it was the first time that...

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