Jun. 13, 2023

Scoop: Amid flurry of diplomacy, Iran’s top nuclear negotiator invited to Oslo again


The story: Iranian lead nuclear negotiator Ali Baqeri-Kani has been invited to visit Oslo for the second time this year, Amwaj.media has learned. While informed sources have declined to divulge further details, the senior Iranian diplomat notably travelled to the Norwegian capital in March for “brainstorming” with political directors from E3 (Britain, France and Germany) foreign ministries.

There is no confirmation of whether Baqeri-Kani has agreed to visit Oslo on June 14. It is neither clear whether the invite pertains to bilateral meetings, or any session with his E3 counterparts. On June 12, the Iranian lead negotiator notably met with E3 political directors in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Against this backdrop, a senior Iranian source told Amwaj.media, “When he met with the E3 in Abu Dhabi, why should he go to Oslo?”

The backdrop: Recent public remarks by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei indicate the potential for...

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