Aug. 21, 2023

‘Strangest ruling in Iran’s cinematic history’ stirs outrage at home, abroad


The story: Media outlets and cinema professionals in Iran and abroad have slammed "the strangest legal ruling in Iran's cinematic history." Prominent director Saeed Roustaee has been handed a jail term and professional restrictions for premiering his critically acclaimed movie Leila's Brothers at the Cannes Film Festival without permission from the authorities.

While Iranian filmmakers have denounced the ruling, renowned American directors Martin Scorsese and Francis Ford Coppola have launched a petition in support of Roustaee.

The coverage: Reformist news site Etemad Online reported on Aug. 15 that Roustaee and Javad Nowruzbeigi, who co-produced Leila's Brothers, had been sentenced to six months in prison. It added that the Tehran court’s ruling could be appealed.

  • Etemad Online said the men must serve one-twentieth of their prison terms, which is about nine days. The rest of their sentence...

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