Oct. 20, 2022

UN showdown over Iranian drones looms as IRGC trainers reported in Ukraine


The story: Iran's supreme leader has praised the country's drone and missile production capability amid increasing reports of Iranian Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) being used by Russia in its war against Ukraine. While Tehran says no arms have been sold for use in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, reports increasingly surface of Iranian trainers instructing Russian forces.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's remarks also come as Ukraine, the US and its allies push for the Islamic Republic's reported arms transfers to Russia to be recorded as a violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231, which endorses the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. If UN sanctions lifted under the nuclear accord are re-imposed on Iran, it could trigger further escalation with the west.

The coverage: Khamenei on Oct. 19 boasted about the capabilities of Iran's drones in an address in Tehran.

  • Khamenei stated, “A few years ago, when photographs of our advanced missile and drones were released, some said that they were photoshopped. But now...

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