Jan. 17, 2023

Will Iran receive advanced Russian fighter jets in 'months'?


The story: An Iranian lawmaker has indicated that Russia will deliver advanced Sukhoi-35 (Su-35) fighter jets in the second quarter of this year, suggesting growing military cooperation between Tehran and Moscow.

Iran has also reportedly placed orders for missiles, helicopters, and air defense systems as the Islamic Republic seeks to revamp its military.

The coverage: Shahriar Heydari, a member of the influential parliamentary national security and foreign policy commission, told the hardline Tasnim News Agency on Jan. 15 that Iran will receive several Sukhoi-35 (Su-35) jets in as little as three months.

  • The lawmaker said the advanced Russian fighter jets will arrive "early next year," referring to the Iranian calendar. Of note, the next Iranian year begins on Mar. 21, 2023.

  • Heydari added that Iran had also placed orders for other conventional military hardware, including air defense systems, missiles, and helicopters.

  • "Most of these will arrive soon," the MP added without giving a specific delivery date.

It is unclear how many Su-35 jets Iran may be purchasing, but reports...

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